√ Contoh Hortatory Exposition Dan Makna Dari Hortatory Exposition

teladan hortatory exposition & makna dr hortatory exposition

sebuah teks yg berfungsi untuk memberikan argumen terhadap suatu hal & dgn tujuan menghipnotis atau memperlihatkan pandangan gres pada pembaca maupun pendengar.
contoh pamflet ancaman merokok

hortatory exposition yakni….

Generec strulture hortatory exposition adalah…

hortatory exposition yakni teks yg menjelaskan sebuah teori/dilema dengan-cara komprehensif dgn tujuan mendorong orang lain melakukan / tak melakukan sesuatu.
Generic Stukture
Thesis / General Statement

Hortatory exposition ialah….

Generec strulture hortatory exposition yakni..

Hortatory Exposition yakni teks yg menerangkan suatu teori/duduk perkara dengan-cara komprehensif dgn tujuan mendorong orang lain melaksanakan / tak melakukan sesuatu.
Generic Structure
Thesis / General Statement

contoh hortatory exposition tentang sosial

Internet and Social Construction

Internet today is a part of daily life. It is not only a source of entertainment but also news and information. Internet is also a valuable tool for science, education and industry.

What makes Internet even more interesting is that action is more easier than books, also cheaper. but the question is do children nowadays still read a book? do they still need another people?. Internet is useful but decrease the social itself. it depend on us wheter can balance the using of internet in daily life.

contoh hortatory exposition wacana sosial

maavvvvvv kalooo salahhhh contoh hortatory exposition tentang sosial

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