1 5 m3 gas helium yang bersuhu 27

Diketahui :

V subscript 1 equals 1 comma 5 space straight m cubed T subscript 1 equals 27 degree straight C equals 300 space straight K p equals 2 cross times 10 to the power of 5 T subscript 2 equals 87 degree straight C equals 360 space straight K

Ditanya : V subscript 2 = …?


1. Menentukan volume selesai setelah dipanaskan berdasarkan aturan Charles:

V subscript 1 over T subscript 1 equals V subscript 2 over T subscript 2 fraction numerator 1 comma 5 over denominator 27 plus 273 end fraction equals fraction numerator V subscript 2 over denominator 87 plus 273 end fraction fraction numerator 1 comma 5 over denominator 300 end fraction equals V subscript 2 over 360 V subscript 2 equals fraction numerator 360 cross times 1 comma 5 over denominator 300 end fraction V subscript 2 equals 540 over 300 V subscript 2 equals 1 comma 8 space straight m cubed

2. memilih perjuangan yg dilakukan gas dengan-cara isobarik yakni:

W equals p space capital delta V W equals 2 cross times 10 to the power of 5 cross times open parentheses 1 comma 8 minus 1 comma 5 close parentheses W equals 2 cross times 10 to the power of 5 cross times open parentheses 0 comma 3 close parentheses W equals 0 comma 6 cross times 10 to the power of 5 space straight J W equals 0 comma 6 cross times 10 squared cross times 10 cubed space straight J straight W equals 60 cross times 10 cubed space straight J W equals 60 space kJ

Oleh sebab itu, balasan yg benar adalah A.

  burger tape adalah hasil modifikasi dari kue