2log x2 5x 8 1

Daftar Isi


Pada persamaan logaritma berlaku

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 2px end attributes row cell blank to the power of straight a log subscript straight f open parentheses straight x close parentheses end subscript end cell equals cell blank to the power of straight a log subscript straight g open parentheses straight x close parentheses end subscript left right double arrow straight f open parentheses straight x close parentheses equals straight g open parentheses straight x close parentheses end cell end table end style

Maka solusi soal di atas

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 2px end attributes row cell blank squared log subscript blank left parenthesis straight x squared minus 5 straight x plus 8 right parenthesis end cell equals 1 row cell blank squared log subscript blank left parenthesis straight x squared minus 5 straight x plus 8 right parenthesis end cell equals cell blank squared log subscript 2 end cell row cell straight x squared minus 5 straight x plus 8 end cell equals 2 row cell straight x squared minus 5 straight x plus 8 minus 2 end cell equals 0 row cell straight x squared minus 5 straight x plus 6 end cell equals 0 row cell open parentheses straight x minus 3 close parentheses open parentheses straight x minus 2 close parentheses end cell equals 0 row cell straight x equals 3 end cell blank blank row atau blank blank row cell straight x equals 2 end cell blank blank end table end style

Jadi, balasan yg tepat adalah B

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