Gerund and Infinitives

Pengertian Gerund and Infinitive

Gerund (Verb+ing) & Infinitive (to + base verb) merupakan mulut dlm kalimat bahasa Inggris yg mampu berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun).


  • Gerund: singing, drinking, running, walking, studying, & lain sebagainya.
  • Infinitive: to sing, to drink, to run, to walk, to study, & lain sebaginya.
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Fungsi Gerund & Infinitive

1. Sebagai subject (subjek)

Dalam suatu kalimat, Gerund & Infinitive bisa berfungsi sebagai subjek. Namun, untuk Infinitive, biasanya berada di tamat kalimat & subjek di permulaan kalimat diganti dgn “It”.


  • Gerund: Studying English is fun.
  • Infinitive: To travel to Mars would take months. (or) It would take months to travel to Mars.

2. Sebagai subject complement (suplemen subjek)

Keduanya mampu dipakai sebagai tambahan subjek pada suatu kalimat.


  • Gerund: My goal is winning the marathon.
  • Infinitive: My goal is to win the marathon.

3. Sebagai noun complement (embel-embel kata benda)

Noun complement menambahkan informasi kata benda tersebut. Pada fungsi ini, cuma Infinitive yg dapat digunakan sebagai embel-embel kata benda.


Infinitive: The instruction to wear safety goggles has saved many people’s   eyes.

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4. Sebagai adjective complement (suplemen kata sifat)

Terdapat beberapa kata sifat yg bisa dibarengi oleh infinitive.


Infinitive: I am happy to meet you.

Beberapa diantara kata sifat yg mampu disertai oleh infinitive ialah:

afraid determined proud
amazed eager ready
anxious eligible reluctant
apt (un)fit sad
ashamed fortunate shocked
bound glad sorry
careful hesitant sure
certain liable dissapointed
content likely surprised
delighted pleased upset

5. Sebagai direct object (objek langsung)

Dalam suatu kalimat, kata kerja sering dibarengi oleh objek eksklusif. Terdapat hukum perihal kata kerja yg hanya dapat dibarengi oleh gerund, infinitive, atau keduanya.


  • Gerund: She enjoys drinking.
  • Infinitive: Sarah hopes to see the play.

Berikut ini beberapa daftar kata kerja yg dibarengi oleh Gerund & Infinitive:

Kondisi Gerund Infinitive
Tanpa tambahan agent acknowledge, advise, appreaciate, avoid, begin, consider, continue, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, forget, hate, (cannot) help, prefer, recommend, regret, remember, start, stop, teach, understand, dll

Contoh kalimat:

I hate singing.

agree, appear, begin,

care, choose, continue, decide, forget, happen, get, hate, learn, hope, like, love, plan, prefer, refuse, seem, start, try, wait, dllContoh kalimat:

He decided to go.

Dengan extra agent hear, watch, see, dll

Contoh kalimat:

I watch her crying.

advise, allow, choose,

get, help, invite, teach, tell, dllContoh kalimat:

I help him to study.

Dapat disertakan agent (opsional) ask, beg, expect, need,

prepare, promise, want, dllContoh kalimat:

I need him to stay.

Tanpa “to” feel, have, hear, help,

watch, see, dllContoh kalimat:

I heard you pass the exam.

6. Sebagai object of preposition (objek preposisi)

Hanya gerund yg merupakan objek dr preposition.


Thank you for helping me.

Rumus Gerund & Infinitive

Fungsi Rumus Contoh kalimat Gerund & Infinitives
Gerund Simple Gerund verb + ing Her dilema is not knowing enough.
Perfective Gerund having + past participle He was excited about having watched the race from the start to finish.
Passive Gerund being + past participle Being chosen to be part of this team is really great.
Perfective Passive Gerund having + been + past participle Having been selected for the experiment gave her career a boost.
Infinitive Simple Infinitive to + verb Her plan is always been to return to her homeland.
Perfective Infinitive to + have + past participle She hoped to have earned the gold medal by the time she was twenty.
Progressive Infinitive to + be + present participle Their goal is to be working by March.
Perfective Progressive Infinitive to + have + been + present participle We wanted to have been hiking by now.
Passive Infinitive to + be + past participle The suggestion to be seen by a surgeon was never followed.
Perfective Passive Infinitive to + have + been + past participle They were happy to have been chosen for the award.

Perbedaan Gerund & Infinitive

Beberapa kata kerja tertentu mirip kata kerja perihal emosi, solusi, & kata kerja “remember”) mampu dipengaruhi oleh penyeleksian untuk menggunakan gerund atau infinitive.

Seperti yg telah diterangkan di atas, gerund & infinitive memiliki fungsi yg sama sebagai subjek maupun objek, & keduanya memiliki makna yg sama.


  • Gerund: To eat too much sugar is not healthy.
  • Infinitive: Eating too much sugar is not healthy.

Namun, untuk beberapa kasus, kita memilih gerund atau infinitive menurut makna yg ingin diungkapkan. Kita mampu menggunakan gerund untuk mendeskripsikan akasi yg nyata. Di sisi lain, kita menggunakan infinitive untuk mendeskripsikan agresi yg akan terjadi,


  • Gerund: Playing golf everyday is boring.
  • Infinitive: To play golf everyday would be my idea of happy retirement.


Frodesen, J. & Eyring, J. (2000). Grammar Dimensions 4: Form, Meaning, and Use. Boston: Hainle & Hainle.

Thewlis, Stephen H. (2000). Grammar Dimensions 3: Form, Meaning, and Use. Boston: Hainle & Hainle.

Artikel: Gerund and Infinitives

Kontributor: Nanda Widya, S.Hum.

Alumni Sastra Inggris FIB UI

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