Boy : You mustn’t believe this.

Girl : What is that?

Boy : I saw Reihan and Uli performed in the acoustic pameran. They were awesome.
Girl : Are you sure that they were Reihan and Uli?
Boy : Definitely! I met and congratulated them at the back stage.
Girl : I never thought that they pursue on music and singing.
Boy : Neither did I
Narrator : How did the boy and the girl feel knowing that their friends performed in a music festival?
Jawaban disimpulkan dr kalimat anak perempuan tersebut, “I never thought that they pursue on music and singing.” yg artinya “Saya tak pernah menyangka kalau mereka menggeluti musik & menyanyi.” & respons anak laki-laki tersebut “Neither did I.” yg artinya “Saya pula tak pernah menduga”. Jadi, anak wanita & anak laki-laki itu terkejut bahwa Reihan & Uli pandai bermain musik & menyanyi.
  Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Perilaku Penyimpangan Sosial