C.tulislah Email Kepada Mahasiswa Indonesia Diluar Negeri!

c.catatlah email pada mahasiswa indonesia diluar negeri!
d.balaslah kembali surat akibat dr siswa atau mahasiswa indonesia di luar negeri.
Tolong di jwb bsok di kumpulin

c.tulislah email pada mahasiswa indonesia diluar negeri!<br />d.balaslah kembali surat akhir dr siswa atau mahasiswa indonesia di luar negeri.<br />Tolong di jwb bsok di kumpulin” title=”c.tuliskanlah email pada mahasiswa indonesia diluar negeri!<br />d.balaslah kembali surat akhir dr siswa atau mahasiswa indonesia di luar negeri.<br />Tolong di jwb bsok di kumpulin”/> c.</p>
<p>Email subject: Interested in research on nuclear energy technology</p>
<p>Prof. Hanz Schmidt<br />Head of the School of Energy Engineering<br />TU Berlin<br />Germany</p>
<p>Dear Professor Schmidt,</p>
<p>I am Syeilendra Pramuditya, I graduated from Department of Physics<br />(Reactor Physics Research Division), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB),<br />INDONESIA.</p>
<p>I finished my bachelor acara (B.Sc) in 2005 and master acara<br />(M.Sc) in February 2007, and I am very eager to continue my study for a<br />higher degree.</p>
<p>My thesis topic was related to development of neutronic and thermo-hydraulic computer<br />code for preliminary design study of PWR nuclear reactor. In my research,<br />I developed two dimensional (R-Z geometry) multigroup diffusion computer<br />code which is combined with simple thermo hydraulic module to calculate<br />temperature distribution, which then is linked to steam generator and turbine<br />calculation modules to calculate thermodynamic efficiency, based on<br />Rankine steam cycle. I also built an interface so that I can utilize SRAC<br />code results (macroscopic cross sections) as nuclear data for input to my<br />code.</p>
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Currently I am interested in advanced nuclear energy systems under the
Generation IV framework, especially the concepts of nuclear energy systems
for hydrogen production, but of course I can be flexible in conducting

My academic supervisors were Prof. Zaki Suud and Prof.
Abdul Waris , they recommended me to continue my study
abroad. I am looking for possibilities for conducting research in your

I should be grateful if you would send me information concerning
application and entry procedures, and any relevant information.

I enclose a Curriculum Vitae, please contact me if you
require any further details or documents.
I hope to hear from you in the near future.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best Regards,


Syeilendra Pramuditya
Laboratory of Nuclear Reactor Physics
Department of Physics
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Email : s.pramuditya[at]nuklir.fi.itb.ac.id

c) Tulislah email pada mahasiswa Indonesia
d) Balaslah kembali surat akhir dr siswa atau
luar negeri.
hasiswa Indonesia di luar negeri!
siswa atau mahasiswa Indonesia di
Bahasa Indonesia​

soalnya mana ini gak jelas

tulislah email pada mahasiswa Indonesia diluar negeri serta akibat nya

from: namaanda@gmail.com
to: namateman@yahoo.com
subject: Bagaimana Kabar

assalamualaikum & selamat pagi mitra,
bagaimana kabarmu disana?, dengar-dengar disana lagi demam isu masbodoh yah, jangan lupa pake jaket yah kalo kemana-mana,
oh iya nitip dong bawain bibit bunga Sakura yah, kabarin pula yah kalo udah mau pulang, nanti dijemput di bandara, sekian dulu yah…

dari sahabatmu

tulislah email pada mahasiswa Indonesia di luar negeri


Mengapa banyak mahasiswa Indonesia yg kuliah di luar negeri & banyak mahasiswa mancanegara yg kuliah di Indonesia?​


  1. Hasil Dari 5/6 +1/4 Adalah

sebab ingin merasakan perbedaan sskolah diluar dgn sekolah yg ada di negara sendiri. namun seringkali ada pula beberapa mahasiswa yg menerima beasiswa atau pertukaran pelajar


maaf kalo salah