Penyesuaian Diri Selaku Usaha Penguasaan (Mastery)

Penyesuaian DiriPengertian adaptasi diri bila di liat dr Sudut Pandang Usaha Penguasaan (Mastery) yakni kemampuan untuk menyiapkan & mengorganisasikan respons dlm cara-cara tertentu sehingga konflik-konflik, kesusahan, & frustrasi tak terjadi. Dengan kata lain, penyesuaian diri diartikan sebagai kesanggupan penguasaan dlm membuatkan diri sehingga dorongan, emosi, & kebiasaan menjadi terkendali & terarah.

Hal itu pula mempunyai arti  penguasaan dlm memiliki kekuatan-kekuatan terhadap lingkungan, yakni kesanggupan menyesuaikan diri dgn realitas menurut cara-cara yg baik, akurat, sehat, & bisa melakukan pekerjaan sama dgn orang lain dengan-cara efektif & efisien, serta bisa memanipulasi faktor-aspek lingkungan sehingga penyesuaian diri dapat berjalan dgn baik.

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Memahami Makna Cinta

Pengertian Cinta

pengertian cintaBerbicara mengenai cinta niscaya kita tak abnormal lagi karena kata-kata tersebut selalu terngiang-ngiang ditelinga kita, misalkan saja tatkala kita menyimak radio, pasti ada lagu yg mendendangkan tentang cinta atau tatkala kita baca buku atau novel, niscaya kita lebih senang tema tentang percintaan & itu ialah hal yg masuk akal alasannya pada usia puber inilah masa dimana seseorang mulai kesengsem dgn lawan jenis & hal itu senantiasa dikaitkan dgn cinta.

Pengertian Cinta

Pengertian cinta itu sendiri sukar dibedakan batas-batas ataupun pengertiannya, sebab cinta merupakan salah satu bentuk emosi & perasaan yg dimiliki individu. Dan sifatnyapun subyektif sehingga setiap individu akan mempunyai makna yg berlawanan tergantung pada penghayatan serta pengalamannya.

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Resilience And Positive Emotions

ResilienceIn keeping with the concept of resilience as the capacity to bounce back from stressful experiences, three studies using college students (Tugade and Fredrickson, 2004) provide empirical evidence for this theory.

They demonstrate the use of positive emotions to rebound from tertekan and to find positive meaning in stressful encounters. In the adult literature it has been demonstrated that positive emotions help to buffer against depresi and that the use of positive reappraisal, persoalan-focused coping and the infusion of events with positive meaning are related to the occurrence and maintenance of positive affect (Folkman and Moskowitz, 2000); this predicts increases in psychological health and well-being (Affleck and Tennen, 1996).

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Positive Thinking And Confidence

If you are a positive person and you have a lot of confidence and you make a mistake, then you can say to yourself `OK, you have made a mistake, get up and try again. If you make another one you can always eventually get it right, even if you have to ask for help.’ But I think if you are very non-confident person, then you think `Oh, I have made a mistake. I can’t do it!’ And that’s one of the main things I have heard from friends, that `I can’t do it’. But you always have to try!

Since the turn of the twenty-first century, key figures in the field of psychology such as Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (2000) have called on us to explore human capacity rather than focusing on failings or inadequacies. 

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Resilience And Happiness

Long before the advent of the positive movement in psychology, researchers were interested in what makes people happy. The concept of health is more than the mere absence of illness: it contains mental and social well-being. Debates around the importance of genetic disposition, material possessions, social relationships, family support have surrounded the concept of happiness. More recently concepts such as well-being, resilience, engagement and flow have been added to the mix. We could ask, why the flurry of interest in happiness? Classic philosophers like Nietzsche, Kant and Schopenhauer were preoccupied with the meaning of life, the angst that went with the human struggle to exist, and today we are all looking for an illusive perpetual state of happiness.

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The Importance Of Play In Children’S Learning

game-for-childrenThe Importance of Play In Children’s Learning. Play is the language of children and is crucial to their development. Childrenof guiding a child through learning experiences by using language to help create the thought concepts needed to meet challenges. Mediated learning experiences provide a range of resources a child might use to solve problem without explicitly telling them how to solve the problem. If one simply gives the solution to a child, an opportunity to develop higher level thinking skills is lost. By allowing the child to make associations between previous experiences and the resources around them, they learn important developmental skills. Words and language are ‘resources’ that can be used to surround events in a child’s experience.

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Emotion Management

While the emphasis in recent years has been on positive emotions, health and well-being and how wajar people flourish, Lazarus (2003)cautions us about only emphasizing the positive without due regard to the part that negative emotions play: `We need the bad, which is part of life, to fully appreciate the good.

While Lazarus’ theorizing drew on his work with adults, it is not difficult to extrapolate from it to the world of adolescents. This is quite evident in the research related to resilience and coping with difficult circumstances such as illness and trauma in the world of adolescence. In the same article Lazarus comments that creating categories of emotions such as positive and negative fails to take account of the context.

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Imagination And Willpower

Why is our right brain so powerful? To answer this let’s have a brief look at the results of Dr Emile Coué who in the early 1900s was achieving a far greater recovery rate with his patients than were his fellow medical doctors. Naturally they wanted to know what he was doing that they were not. Surprisingly, they found that he was prescribing the same medications as they were to treat diagnosed illnesses.

However, they also found that he encouraged his patients, as part of their treatment, to look in the mirror first thing in the morning and last thing at night and say to themselves in a convincing manner: ‘Each day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

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The Mindset Of A Resilient Child

Resilient children possess certain qualities and/or ways of viewing themselves and the world that are not apparent in youngsters who have not been successful in meeting challenges and pressures. Resilient youngsters are able to translate this view, or mindset, into effective action. Resilient children are also hopeful and possess high self-worth. What contributes to this sense of hopefulness and self-worth?

Resilient youngsters feel special and appreciated. They have learned to set realistic goals and expectations for themselves. They have developed the ability to solve problems and make decisions and thus are more likely to view mistakes, hardships, and obstacles as challenges to confront rather than as stressors to avoid.

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Left And Right Brain Congruence

The key to using your true potential and mastering personal and interpersonal  skills  lies  in  obtaining  left  and  right  brain  congruency.  Your  left  brain  is  the logical,  analytical,  mulut,  sequential,  statistical  hemisphere  whereas  your  right brain is the creative, artistic, imaginative, spacial, holistic, rhythmic, colour  and dimension orientated hemisphere.

That is a pretty long winded description.  In simple terms the left hemisphere is dominant in controlling willpower and  discipline whilst the right hemisphere is dominant in controlling imagination  and emotion. If you are a product of the westernised education system

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