Coba Tulis Pidato Tentang Media Sosial

coba tulis pidato ihwal media sosial

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Pertama-tama marilah kita mengucapkan syukur pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Atas karunianya kita dapat berkumpul diruangan ini dlm keadaan sehat. Saya berterimakasih pada sahabat-sahabat yg sudah hadir pada hari ini. Pertemuan ini bertujuan untuk mengajak para generasi muda agar tak menyalah gunakan media sosial.

Saat ini pertumbuhan aplikasi media umum seperti Facebook, Twitter dll,mengalami pertumbuhan yg sungguh pesat baik di kalangan cukup umur maupun anak-anak.Facebook, twitter & situs jejaring sosial yg yang lain saat ini merupakan aplikasi teknologi yg sedang disenangi kalangan akil balig cukup akal termasuk pula bawah umur.

Teman sobat sekalian, Dengan adanya hal tersebut situs jejaring sosial ini mengakibatkan dampak yg positif maupun negatif. Dampak kasatmata dr jejaring sosial diantaranya sebagai sarana untuk mengiklankan iklan yg belakangan ini disebut dgn jual beli online

Dampak negatif jejaring sosial bagi akil balig cukup akal & bawah umur ialah mereka akan merasa kecanduan & tak mengenal waktu karena mereka mesti update kepada situs jejaring sosial yg mereka miliki.  

Sebaiknya para remaja lebih di tuntut pandai mempergunakan sosial media tersebut dgn baik & benar. Selain dewasa itu sendiri yg mampu mengaturnya tetapi lingkungan pula bisa menjadi faktor penting mendorong remaja & dampak yg di peroleh.

Saya berharap pidato saya pada hari ini mampu menunjukkan faedah bagi teman-teman semua. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Saya mohon maaf apabila ada perkataan yg kurang berkenan dihati.

Akhir kata, wabilahi taufik walhidayah

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr . Wb

pidato tentang imbas sosial media dlm bahasa inggris

The honorable my teacher and happy audiences

Firstly, let’s pray to the Almigthy God for his blessing given to us today. So that, today we can stay here in healthy condition to join the English lesson.

  Kritikan Marx : Dimensi Yang Menetapkan Stratifikasi Sosial

Secondly, I am very happy to be here together to be with you all on this beautifull morning. Now, in here I would like to talk about “ Social Media “.

Ladies and gentlemen

You know that, everyone, everytime, and everywhere talks about social media. But, what is social media? How do you define social media? What the effects of social media in our life?

The social media of very important in our life. Because now the most of all our daily activity use social media. So, studying social media in our life very important for us.

Social media is media made of websites like facebook, twitter, myspace and still many others. Social media refers to interaction among people in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas in social networking.

Ladies and gentlemen

Social media have many benefits in our life. Benefits of social media :

1.     Promotion media for the product or service.

2.     Media to expand friendship.

3.     As communications media. We earn to communicatewith domestic people and the foreigners.

4.     Media share. We earn to share photo, data and information to many people easly and quickly.

5.     Media to look for information.

Happy audiences

But of course, if social media have many benefits so social media have bad effects too. The bad effects of social media such as :

1.     The student usually be lazier because they are already addicted by social networking.

2.     The danger of evil. Example : abduction.

3.     The dangers of fraud.

4.     Not all social networking users were nice and polite, so dangerous if the sentence bad imitated by children.

5.     Discrupt communication in our real life. We will seldom communicate with family and friends, because we more passing the time with social media.

Ladies and gentlemen

We can take conclusion that, if us use something whatever that use it positively and as good as possible.  Like social media too. So, we can to exploit that for the succesfulness in your life.

Oke, that’s all for me. Forgive me any mistake

pidato perihal media umum dlm bahasa inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
The honorable my teacher and happy audiences
Firstly, let’s pray to the Almigthy God for his blessing given to us today. So that, today we can stay here in healthy condition to join the English lesson.
Secondly, I am very happy to be here together to be with you all on this beautifull morning. Now, in here I would like to talk about “ Social Media “.
Ladies and gentlemen
You know that, everyone, everytime, and everywhere talks about social media. But, what is social media? How do you define social media? What the effects of social media in our life?
The social media of very important in our life. Because now the most of all our daily activity use social media. So, studying social media in our life very important for us.
Social media is media made of websites like facebook, twitter, myspace and still many others. Social media refers to interaction among people in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas in social networking.
Ladies and gentlemen

Social media have many benefits in our life. Benefits of social media :
1. Promotion media for the product or service.
2. Media to expand friendship.
3. As communications media. We earn to communicatewith domestic people and the foreigners.
4. Media share. We earn to share photo, data and information to many people easly and quickly.
5. Media to look for information.
Happy audiences
But of course, if social media have many benefits so social media have bad effects too. The bad effects of social media such as :
1. The student usually be lazier because they are already addicted by social networking.
2. The danger of evil. Example : abduction.
3. The dangers of fraud.
4. Not all social networking users were nice and polite, so dangerous if the sentence bad imitated by children.
5. Discrupt communication in our real life. We will seldom communicate with family and friends, because we more passing the time with social media.
Ladies and gentlemen
We can take conclusion that, if us use something whatever that use it positively and as good as possible. Like social media too. So, we can to exploit that for the succesfulness in your life.
Oke, that’s all for me. Forgive me any mistake.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

  9 Contoh Prinsip Ekonomi Produsen, Distributor, dan Konsumen

pidato singkat bahasa inggris tentang media umum

Good morning
The honourable Mr. …….. as my teacher,
And my beloved friends,
In this chance I would explain about my speech. The title is social media. Social media is a media online, with users can easy partisipating, sharing, and make contents like blog, wiki, social networking, lembaga, and virtual world. Blog, social networking, and wiki is social media most used by the public. I believe all of you had social media. Social media has positive things and negative things.
The positive thing is can approach they are away and the negative thing is can dissociate they are near. Actually, a lot of negative things on social media. It’s like fraud and abduction.
So, we as users must be careful of it.
Let us use social media well and if you see evil in it, you must quick to report to the authorities. Okay, thank you for attention. If I had mistake on my words, I’m so sorry.

pidato ihwal dampak hidup tanpa sosial media​




karna tanpa sosial media kita tak bisa saling berkomonikasi degan orang yg jaraknya jauh dgn kita