Lambang Sila Ke-5

lambang sila ke-5

# Introduction

Pancasila, the state ideology of Indonesia, is comprised of five principles or sila. Each sila represents a fundamental value that serves as the foundation of the nation. In this article, we will explore the fifth sila of Pancasila, its meaning, and the significance it holds for the Indonesian people.

## Pengertian dan Fungsi Lambang Sila ke-5

Lambang Sila ke-5, or the emblem of the fifth sila, is a representation of social justice. This sila emphasizes the importance of equality and fairness among all citizens of Indonesia. It promotes the idea that everyone should have equal opportunities and access to resources, regardless of their background or social status.

The function of the emblem of the fifth sila is to remind the Indonesian people, as well as the government, of the importance of upholding social justice in all aspects of life. It serves as a symbol of unity and a call to action to create a just and equitable society.

## Simbol dan Makna dalam Lambang Sila ke-5

The emblem of the fifth sila features a balanced scale, symbolizing the even distribution of rights, resources, and opportunities. It represents the idea that everyone should be treated fairly and impartially under the law. The scale also signifies the need for a balanced and harmonious society, where the interests of all individuals are taken into account.

Furthermore, the emblem includes two golden ears of rice on each side of the scale, symbolizing prosperity and abundance. It signifies the importance of economic well-being and the responsibility of the government to ensure the welfare of its people. The golden color represents the value and significance placed on achieving social justice and prosperity in Indonesian society.

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## Conclusion

The fifth sila of Pancasila, represented by the emblem of social justice, highlights the importance of equality, fairness, and prosperity for all Indonesian citizens. It serves as a reminder to the government and the people to strive towards creating a just and equitable society. By upholding the principles of social justice, Indonesia can foster unity, harmony, and a brighter future for all its people.