Recount Text

Pengertian Recount Text

Recount text ialah jenis text dlm Bahasa Inggris yg menceritakan perihal suatu dongeng, langkah-langkah, atau kesibukan. Biasanya, recount text menceritakan ihwal pengalaman seseorang. Tujuan dr recount text ialah untuk menghibur pembaca, sehingga tak terdapat pertentangan dlm text ini. Selain itu, teks ini pula bermaksud untuk memperlihatkan informasi pada pembaca.

Lihat pula materi yang lain:

Passive Voice


pengertian recount text

Ciri-ciri Recount Text

  • Menggunakan kalimat Past Tense (lampau), mirip went, departed, would, woke up, & lain sebagainya.

  • Menggunakan adverb & adverbial phrase untuk mengungkapkan waktu, kawasan & cara, seperti: last September, Pari Island, on then second day, & lain sebagainya.
  • Menggunakan conjunction & time connectives guna mengurutkan insiden atau peristiwa, mirip: and, before, then, after that, & lain sebagainya

Generic Structure of Recount Text

1. Orientation

Menceritakan mengenai latar belakang gosip wacana siapa, di mana, kapan insiden atau insiden terjadi.

2. Events

Menceritakan serangkaian insiden yg terjadi sesuai urutan kronologis.

3. Re-orientation

Merupakan epilog atau kesimpulan cerita. Untuk menutup suatu cerita, kita mampu menunjukkan opini kita mengenai dongeng tersebut.

Contoh Recount Text

Contoh Recount Text Singkat 1 (tentang Perjalanan Wisata)

My First Trip to Pari Island

Last September, I went to Pari Island for a holiday. I went there with Sarah, Andi, Eveline, and Yoko. That was my first time to travel there.

Our boat departed from Muara Angke port to the island at 8.00 AM. We arrived at Pari Island around 10.00 Am. After that, we went to our guest house that we had booked before. Fortunately, our guest house was located near to the port, so we did not have to walk so far. The first thing that we did after that was rent bicycle. It only cost IDR 20.000 per day. Then we did cycling for a while and had lunch before we decided to do snorkeling.

When we went snorkeling, the fisherman who became our guide brought us to the beach far enough from our guest house. We did snorkeling there. The water was very clear. We could see groups of tiny fishes and beautiful coral under the sea. After we did snorkeling for approximately three hours, we returned to our guest house. We ended up the first day by getting dinner and took some walks around.

On the second day, we woke up so early to watch sunrise. We did not need to go far to watch the sunrise because our guest house was so near to the beach and we could watch the sunrise there. Sunrise on the beach, what a beautiful view!

After we spent long enough time to watch the sunrise, we decided to get breakfast. There was a ekspo at that time. We went to the ekspo and had breakfast there. We ate some delicious sea foods. We felt time went so fast that day. We needed to return to our guest house because our boat that would bring us home would depart at 10.00 AM.

In summary, my first trip to Pari Island was so enjoyable. I would like to visit this place again together with my family in another chance.

Lihat pula bahan lainnya:

Unsur Intrinsik Puisi

Kerajaan Gowa Tallo

Persamaan Garis Lurus

Berikut terjemahan dr acuan recount text di atas:

Perjalanan Pertama Saya ke Pulau Pari

September lalu, gue pergi ke Pulau Pari untuk liburan. gue pergi bersama Sarah, Andi, Eveline, & Yoko. Itu yaitu pertama kalinya gue bepergian ke sana.

Perahu kami berangkat dr pelabuhan Muara Angke ke pulau pada pukul 8.00 pagi. Kami datang di Pulau Pari sekitar jam 10.00 pagi. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke penginapan yg telah kami pesan sebelumnya. Untungnya, penginapan kami terletak di akrab pelabuhan, jadi kami tak perlu berjalan sejauh ini. Hal pertama yg kami kerjakan sehabis itu yaitu menyewa sepeda. Harganya hanya Rp20.000 per hari. Kemudian kami bersepeda sebentar & makan siang sebelum kami snorkeling.

Ketika kami snorkeling, nelayan yg menjadi pemandu kami menjinjing kami ke pantai yg cukup jauh dr penginapan kami. Kami melaksanakan snorkeling di sana. Airnya sungguh jernih. Kami mampu melihat ikan-ikan kecil & karang yg indah di bawah maritim. Setelah kami snorkeling selama kurang lebih tiga jam, kami kembali ke tempat tinggal penginapan. Kami menyelesaikan hari pertama dgn makan malam & berlangsung-jalan.

Pada hari kedua, kami bangun pagi-pagi untuk menyaksikan matahari terbit. Kami tak perlu pergi jauh untuk menyaksikannya sebab penginapan kami sangat dekat dgn pantai & kami bisa menyaksikan matahari terbit di sana. Matahari terbit di pantai, panorama yg indah!

Setelah menghabiskan waktu cukup usang untuk menyaksikan matahari terbit, kami memutuskan untuk sarapan. Ada sebuah festival pada waktu itu. Kami pergi ke pameran & sarapan di sana. Kami makan beberapa makanan maritim yg lezat. Kami merasa waktu berlangsung sangat cepat hari itu. Kami harus kembali ke rumah penginapan sebab kapal kami yg akan menjinjing kami pulang akan berangkat pukul 10.00.

Singkatnya, perjalanan pertamaku ke Pulau Pari begitu menggembirakan. Aku ingin mengunjungi kawasan ini lagi bersama keluargaku di kesempatan lain.


Teks tersebut merupakan Recount Text alasannya adalah menceritakan pengalaman seseorang & menghibur pembaca. Selain itu, teks tersebut mempunyai ciri-ciri & struktur yg sama dgn Recount Text:


  • Menggunakan kalimat Past Tense (lampau), mirip went, departed, would, woke up, & lain sebagainya.

  • Menggunakan adverb & adverbial phrase mirip: last September, Pari Island, on then second day, & lain sebagainya.
  • Menggunakan conjunction & time connectives seperti: and, before, then, after that, & lain sebagainya


  • Orientation

Last September, I went to Pari Island for a holiday. I went there with Sarah, Andi, Eveline, and Yoko.

  • Events

Depart from Muara Angke → Arrived → Went to the guest house → Rent bicycle and cycling →  Had lunch →  Snorkeling →  & seterusnya.

  • Re-orientation

In summary, my first trip to Pari Island was so enjoyable.

Berikut yaitu acuan Recount Text lain, bisakah ananda menerangkan kenapa teks tersebut disebut dgn Recount Text dgn mengevaluasi ciri-ciri & generic structure nya?

Lihat pula materi yang lain:

Kerajaan Mataram Kuno

Puisi Lama

Fungsi Invers

Contoh Recount Text Singkat 2 (Tentang Kunjungan Budaya)

Cultural Visit to Bandung with UI Creates

Last February, I went to Bandung with UI Creates students. UI Creates is a short course program from University of Indonesia for international students. At that time, the participants were from Japan, China, and Philippine.

We departed from Depok to Bandung at 6.30 AM by bus. Fortunately, there was no traffic jam so we could arrive in Bandung at 11.30 AM. Before we went to Saung Angklung Mang Udjo, we had lunch at Sederhana Pasteur Restaurant first. We ate Nasi Padang. For some students, it was their first time trying Nasi Padang. They said it was delicious.

Then we went to Saung Angklung Mang Udjo. It took more than one hour to go there from the restaurant. At 2.45 PM, we arrived at Saung Angklung Mang Udjo. We had to wait for the performance because it started at 3.00 PM. Before the performance started, we bought some souvenirs and tried to play Angklung in the souvenir shop. At exactly 3.00 PM, the show started. Not only Angklung performance, there were also Arumba and Calung performances. We sang, danced and learnt to play Angklung together during the performance.

After we watched the show, we went to Soerabi Imoet to get dinner. We ate Serabi which is traditional pancake made from rice flour with coconut milk or shredded coconut. It usually tastes sweet, but there is another savoury version that uses oncom as the topping. In Soerabi Imoet, there is a variant of Serabi with Durian topping. That was the first experience eating Durian for some of my friends. After we had dinner, we went to our hotel which is not too far away from Soerabi Imoet to get some rest.

The day after that, we started the day with getting breakfast at the hotel. Then we departed to Dusun Bambu at 7.45 AM. From the hotel, we spent more than one hour on the way to Dusun Bambu. After we arrived, we walked around the park to explore. It was very refreshing. There were a lot of various  flowers bloomed at that time. We also saw some fields with rice plants. My Japanese friends and I tried to ride a traditional boat. After we spent enough time there, we had lunch and returned to Depok.

We were very tired when we arrived in Depok, but we had a lot of fun during the cultural visit. It was very nice to go to Bandung and I hope I can go there again sometime.

Berikut terjemahan dr teladan recount text di atas:

Kunjungan Budaya ke Bandung dgn UI Create

Februari lalu, gue pergi ke Bandung dgn siswa UI Create. UI Creates ialah acara kursus singkat dr Universitas Indonesia untuk siswa internasional. Saat itu, pesertanya berasal dr Jepang, Cina, & Filipina.

Kami berangkat dr Depok ke Bandung pukul 6.30 pagi dgn bus. Untungnya, tak ada kemacetan sehingga kami bisa tiba di Bandung pukul 11.30 pagi. Sebelum kami pergi ke Saung Angklung Mang Udjo, kami makan siang di Restoran Sederhana Pasteur apalagi dahulu. Kami makan Nasi Padang. Bagi beberapa siswa, ini yaitu pertama kalinya mereka menjajal Nasi Padang. Mereka bilang itu enak.

Kemudian kami pergi ke Saung Angklung Mang Udjo. Butuh lebih dr satu jam untuk pergi ke sana dr kedai makanan. Pukul 14:45, kami tiba di Saung Angklung Mang Udjo. Kami harus menanti pertunjukkannya alasannya adalah itu dimulai pukul 3 sore. Sebelum pertunjukan dimulai, kami berbelanja beberapa suvenir & menjajal bermain angklung di toko suvenir. Tepat pukul 3 sore, pentasdimulai. Tidak cuma pertunjukan Angklung, ada pula pertunjukan Arumba & Calung. Kami bernyanyi, menari & berguru bermain angklung bersama selama pertunjukan.

Setelah kami menonton pertunjukan, kami pergi ke Soerabi Imoet untuk makan malam. Kami makan Serabi yg merupakan pancake tradisional yg yang dibuat dr tepung beras dgn santan atau kelapa parut. Biasanya rasanya cantik, tetapi ada model gurih lain yg menggunakan oncom selaku topping. Di Soerabi Imoet, ada varian Serabi dgn topping Durian. Itulah pengalaman pertama makan Durian untuk beberapa sobat-temanku. Setelah makan malam, kami pergi ke hotel yg tak terlalu jauh dr Soerabi Imoet untuk beristirahat.

Sehari sesudah itu, kami memulai hari dgn sarapan di hotel. Kemudian kami berangkat ke Dusun Bambu pada jam 7.45 pagi. Dari hotel, kami menghabiskan lebih dr satu jam dlm perjalanan ke Dusun Bambu. Setelah kami datang, kami berjalan di sekeliling taman untuk menjelajah. Sangat sejuk. Ada banyak banyak sekali bunga mekar pada waktu itu. Kami pula menyaksikan beberapa ladang dgn tanaman padi. Teman-sahabat Jepang-ku & gue mencoba naik bahtera tradisional. Setelah menghabiskan cukup waktu di sana, kami makan siang & kembali ke Depok.

Kami sungguh letih tatkala kami tiba di Depok, tetapi kami sangat senang selama kunjungan budaya. Sangat menyenangkan pergi ke Bandung & gue berharap mampu ke sana lagi kapan-kapan.

Artikel: Recount Text, Contoh Recount Text, & Penjelasan Lengkapnya

Kontributor: Nanda Widya, S.Hum.

Alumni Sastra Inggris UI

Materi lainnya:

  1. Narrative Text
  2. Part of Speech
  3. Descriptive Text

  Passive Voice