Teks Debat Pro Dan Kontra Tentang Berdakwah Di Media Sosial​

teks debat pro & kontra tentang berdakwah di media sosial​

mana debatnya ko gaada

Contoh teks debat bahasa inggris tentang media sosial?

Villager A : Do you use youtube?
Villager B : No, i don’t.
Villager A : Say what?
Villager B : You heard me.
Villager A : You are different and i’m okay with that.

Contoh teks debat mengenai sosial media memakai B.inggris & artin ya

Assalamualaikum wr wb.The honorable Mr. Fadillah as the principal of SMPN 1 Bagitan, the honorable for teachers of SMPN 1 Bangitan, the honorable for all parents, and all the students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1 Bangitan.Let us say gratitude to Allah. Because of His bless, we are able to present here as the invitation to meet on the education for social networking usage.Social networking sites are currently emerging around us. There are at least three social networking sites that are so big which are Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Those are technology products that are favored by children, teenagers, and even adults. Through social networking services, we can make a new friend, expand the friends network, and knowing the situation that occurred in other places.Ladies and Gentlemen..As the rapid growth of social networking usage from day to day, then all the parents and teachers should be the good supervisors. All parties include parents, teachers, government, and the society must work together so that the children can get a sopan santun and logic education in order to deal with the development of technology.It’s better that since this time, we always educate the children in order to adopt their attitude to the rapid technological growth. When we do not guide the children with advice and a closed supervision, they are very likely to be negatively impacted by the development of the technologies, especially social networking.Basically, social media does have a variety of positive benefits. First, children can learn to develop social skills as well as technical skills in the cyberspace so that they can continue socializing, adapting, and even hanging out with friends in all over the word. Second, they also motivated to develop their self-efficacy and motivation based on the information from social media that makes them motivated to succeed. Third, they do not miss the latest information available in the world because of the spread of news and updates in social networking are quite fast.Social media sites also make them become more empathetic to others because they usually comment on photos, videos, and status of their friends. Furthermore, they could also be keeping friendships even though do not physically meet.Ladies and Gentlemen..Although social media has many positive benefits, but there are many negative impacts. A child can become a lazy communicator in the real world. They are likely have a bad level of understanding in verbal language.Social media also makes children more selfish or individualistic. They do not realize that they have to communicate and empathize with other people in the real world. Furthermore, it is also a place that can be used to access all kinds of information even though those are bad information. Children who are easily affected by the other people, certainly will be quickly affected by bad suggestions available in social media.Ladies and Gentlemen..Therefore, to avoid the danger and threat of social media, we must always keep the eyes on our children. Various forms of supervision are needed. First, we need to facilitate our kids with a computer and internet at home, so they do not need to go to internet cafes to access the Internet.Place the computer in a room that is easily monitored such as the living room. That is intended to prevent children from accessing pornographic content and other harmful materials. You are also expected to always check the browser when our children stopped accessing the internet on a home computer.With those information and solution, hopefully we can protect our children from the bad of social media and internet growth. I think that’s all and Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

Contoh teks debat imbas sosial media di lingkungan sekolah

Contoh teks bebat pengaruhi sosial media di lingkungan sekolah ialah:

  • Kalimat pembuka yg disampaikan oleh moderator: Media sosial merupakan sebuah perkembangan yg terjadi di dunia digital yg sudah banyak digunakan oleh siapa pun. Banyak hal mampu kita kerjakan melalui media sosial yg menjadikan media sosial bisa masuk di lingkungan sekolah. Untuk tim merah akan menjadi pihak Afirmasi & tim biru akan menjadi pihak oposisi.
  • Pendapat yg disampaikan oleh tim afirmasi: Penyebaran penyakit menular menjadi salah satu hambatan bagi siswa untuk pergi ke sekolah untuk berguru. Akan tetapi, dgn adanya media sosial mampu menjembatani siswa, guru & pihak sekolah sehingga proses belajar mampu terjalani dgn semestinya. Dengan Melalui media sosial, siswa dapat membangun komunitas belajar dgn lebih efektif & efisien tanpa mesti bertatap wajah. Media sosial dapt meningkatkan keahlian serta kemampuan siswa tanpa cemas akan penyebaraan virus.
  • Pendapat yg disampaikan oleh tim oposisi: Saya tak baiklah dgn argumentasi yg disampaikan oleh tim afirmasi. Pada kenyataannya, siswa menggunakan media umum bukan untuk mencar ilmu tetapi lebih banyak memakai media umum untuk hal-hal yg lain dr pada belajar. Media sosial pula akan mempunyai pengaruh buruk alasannya siswa lebih konsentrasi pada dunia manya & melupakan dunia faktual & lingkungan sekitar.


Debat yakni suatu acara tentang pembahasan atau tukar pendapat yg dilaksanakan oleh semua penerima ihwal suatu pokok atau topik masalah, dimana setiap akseptor diberi kebebasan untuk menunjukkan alasan atau argumen untuk mempertahankan usulan mereka masing-masing. Unsur-unsur yg ada di dlm suatu aktivitas debat antara lain:

  • Terdapat topik atau permasalahan yg akan didebatkan.
  • Adanya tim afirmatif atau disebut pula dgn perumpamaan tim pro.
  • Adanya tim oposisi atau disebut pula dgn istilah tim kontra.
  • Adanya pihak yg netral atau tak pro & tak kontra.
  • Adanya moderator yg memimpin suatu kegiatan debat.
  • Adanya notulen.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

  1. Materi wacana pengertian dr teks debat, pada https://sosiologiku.com/tugas/13901053
  2. Materi tentang rangkuman mengenai debat, pada https://sosiologiku.com/tugas/21915980
  3. Materi perihal tujuan dr debat, pada https://sosiologiku.com/tugas/16128071


Detail balasan

Kelas: VII

Mata pelajaran: B. Indonesia

Bab: –

Kode Katagori: –


tolong berikan teladan teks debat dengan-cara singkat bernuansa sosial media?

Dewasa ini penggunaan sosial media telah menjadi barang wajib yg mesti oleh para dewasa. Sosial media tersebut berbentukfacebook, instagram, path, twitter, whatsapp & lain sebagainya. Dalam penggunaanya sosial media digunakan untuk membuat lebih mudah komunikasi kepada orang lain dgn jarak yg jauh. Selain itu, penggunaan sosial media pula dimanfaatkan selaku fasilitas wirausaha dgn membuat onlineshop. Tentunya selain menguntungkan sosial media pula memiliki segi negatif. Salah satunya pengguna sosial media mulai melupakan untuk bersosialisasi dgn orang lain. Sudah sebaiknya kita dewasa sadar akan efek positif & negatif dr sosial media tersebut biar penggunaan sosial media ini bermanfaat.