What Happend In Aceh In 1874?

What happend in aceh in 1874?

Kalau tak salah, pada tahun antara 1873-1874 di Aceh terjadi perang (Perang Aceh Pertama) yg dipimpin oleh Panglima Polim & Sultan Mahmud Syah untuk melawan Belanda.

Semoga bisa membantu.

what happened in Aceh in 1874?

Banda Aceh, formerly known as Kuta Raja, is the capital and largest city in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. It is located on the island of Sumatra and has an elevation of 35 meters. The city covers an area of 64 square kilometres and had a population of 219,070 people, according to the 2000 census.[4] Banda Aceh is located on the northwestern tip of Indonesia at the mouth of the Aceh River.

What happened in aceh 1874

There was a war between the people of Aceh and the Dutch colonizers

What hapeened in aceh in 1874


war of sultanate of aceh against dutch until 1904

what happened in Aceh in 1874?​

apa yg terjadi di aceh thn 1874

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