and. One way to go is through improving the quality of education.
As has been pointed out in a previous post that Learning 21st century has a cirri called 4C, namely:
1) Communication
In this character, learners are required to understand, manage, and create effective communication in various forms and contents in oral, written, and multimedia. Learners are given the opportunity to use their ability to express their ideas, either during discussion with friends and when solving problems from educators.
2) Collaboration
In this character, learners demonstrate their abilities in teamwork and leadership, adapt in various roles and responsibilities, work productively with others, place empathy in place, respect for different perspectives. Learners also exercise personal responsibility and personal flexibility, at work, and community relations, setting and achieving high standards and goals for themselves and others, to understand confusion.
3) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
In this character, learners strive to provide logical reasoning in understanding and making complex choices, understanding the interconnections between systems. Learners also use the ability they have to try to solve the problems they face independently, learners also have the ability to compose and disclose, analyze, and solve problems.
4) Creativity and Innovation
In this character, learners have the ability to develop, implement, and convey new ideas to others, be open and responsive to new and different perspectives.

red to by The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21, 2008) are as follows:
(1) Think critically and make judgments about the abundance of information that appears every day whether on the web, in the media, in electronic media, at home, at work, and elsewhere. Critical thinking and consideration will help a person assess the credibility, accuracy, and benefits of information, analyze and evaluate information, make sensible decisions, and take responsible action.
(2) Solve complex, open, and multidisciplinary problems that all workers will face problems. The challenge faced by workers is that they will not face problems in a closed format and also do not produce a single solution, as is often found in most textbooks, but they will face problems in complex, unstructured, and require formats Multiple solutions (more than one answer). The world of work expects a worker capable of identifying problems, finding solutions and alternatives, and exploring new options if the approach is not working.
(3) Creativity and entrepreneurial thinking, ie a number of skills related to job creation. Almost all jobs expect their workers to master creative thinking skills, that is, unusual thinking skills, asking unusual questions, producing new scenarios, and producing amazing jobs. A person should be able to create jobs for himself and others with entrepreneurial thinking, such as the ability to organize and take the opportunity and desire to take risks and responsibilities.
(4) Communicate and collaborate on teams whose members come from people across cultures, geographies, and / or languages. These skills are needed in the workplace and the global community. Everyone should be able to interact with others competently and with mutual respect.
(5) Using innovative knowledge, information and opportunities to perform new services and processes and create new products. Global markets require organizations to find ways to do things better quickly and routinely. Companies want workers who can contribute as much as possible to the progress of the company.
(6) Have financial, health and citizen responsibilities and make wise choices. Every citizen should be able to save money to plan his health care. Everyone needs this skill because choices get more complex and the consequences of wrong decisions can result in harm.

ion, analytical skills and thought processes in depth. Today, every citizen must be a critical thinker, one who is able to compare evidence, evaluate claims, and make sensible decisions. Likewise in daily work, workers must use critical thinking to provide better service to customers, and develop better products (NEA, n.d.).

ion and communication technology literacy and information (ICT) literature,
4) live in the world, including citizenship, life and career skills, and personal and social responsibilities.
The Educational Testing Service (ETS) (in the Pacific Policy Research Center, 2023) defines the 21st Century Student Learning Skills as
1) the ability to collect and obtain information,
2) organize and manage information,
3) evaluating the quality, relevance and usefulness of information, and
4) produce accurate information through the use of existing resources.

The North Central Regional Education Laboratory (NCREL, 2003) identifies the wider 21st Century Learning Skills (Competency of Students) as a learning achievement of the XXI century through digital literacy, inventive thinking, effective communication, and high productivity.
In learning activities that are characterized by the implementation of 21st century learning, there are 3 Learning Skills (Student Competency) 21st Century, namely: 1) Life and Career Skills, 2) Learning and innovations Skills – 4Cs, and 3) Information, Median and Technologi Skills.

ing in groups
• Have the initiative and can manage themselves: Learners have the ability to manage goals and time, work independently and become self-regulated learners.
• Social and intercultural interactions: Learners have the ability to interact and work effectively with diverse groups.
• productivity and accountability: Learners are able to manage projects and produce products.
• Leadership and responsibility: Learners are able to lead their friends and be responsible to the wider community.
2. Learning and Innovation Skills
Learning and innovation skills (including learning and innovation skills) include:
• Critical thinking and masalah solving: learners are able to use various reasons (reason) such as inductive or deductive for various situations; Use system thinking; Make decisions and solve problems
• Communication and collaboration: learners are able to communicate clearly and collaborate with other group members.
• Creativity and innovation: learners are able to think creatively, work creatively
3. Information Media and Technology Skills
Information technology and media skills, including:
• Literacy information: learners are able to access information effectively (source of information) and efficient (time); Evaluate the information to be used critically and competently; Use and manage information accurately and effectively to resolve problems.
• media literacy: learners are able to select and develop the medium used to communicate.
• ICT Literacy: learners are able to analyze information media; And create appropriate media for communication.
Based on a study on 21st Century Skills Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills has categorized 21st century skills into four major sections, enabling individuals to contribute to social capital and intellectual capital in modern times.
The four categories are; Way of thinking, including creativity, innovation, critical thinking, dilema solving, decision making and learning. Second, the way of working includes communication skills, collaboration and teamwork.
Third, Skills to live in the world, including having awareness as a global citizen as well as locally, developing life and career; As well as assuming personal and social responsibility. And Fourthly, the Tool for Working Skills is based on new information and communication technologies as well as information literacy, including the ability to learn and work through digital social networks.
According to the International Society for Technology in Education, the characteristics of 21st century teachers’ skills in which the information age is the key feature, sharing the skills of 21st century teachers into five categories:
1. Able to facilitate and inspire students’ learning and creativity, with indicators including the following:
• Encourage, support and model creative and innovative inventions and ideas.
• Involve students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using tools and digital sources.
• Encourage student reflection using collaborative tools to demonstrate and clarify students’ understanding, thinking, conceptual planning and creative processes.
• Model the construction of collaborative knowledge by involving learning with students, colleagues, and other people through both face-to-face activities and through virtual environments.
2. Design and develop the learning experience and assessment of the digital age, with the following indicators:
• Design or adapt appropriate learning experiences that integrate digital tools and resources to encourage student learning and creativity.
• Develop a technology-rich learning environment that enables all students to be curious and active participants in setting learning goals, managing their own learning and measuring their own learning progress.
• Customize and personalize learning activities that can meet work style learning strategies and capabilities using diverse tools and digital resources.
• Provide a variety of formative and summative evaluation tools in accordance with technology and content standards that can provide useful information for student learning and general learning.
3. Being a model of how to learn and work in the digital abad, with indicators as follows:
• Demonstrate proficiency in technology systems and transfer knowledge to new technologies and situations.
• Collaborate with students, peers, and communities using digital tools and resources to drive student success and innovation.
• Communicate ideas effectively to students, parents, and colleagues using a variety of digital media formats.
• Demonstrate and facilitate the effective use of the latest digital tools to analyze, evaluate and utilize these information sources to support research and learning.
4. Encourage and be a model of responsibility and the digital community, with indicators including the following:
• Encouraging, modeling, and teaching in a healthy, legal and ethical way using digital information technology, including copyright, intellectual property rights and documentation of learning resources.
• Meet diverse learner needs using student-centered learning strategies by providing adequate access to digital tools and other digital learning resources.
• Encourage and exemplify the digital ethics of social interaction responsibilities associated with the use of information technology.
• Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness through engagement / participation with colleagues and students from other cultures using digital communication and collaboration tools.
5. Participate in professional development and leadership, with the following indicators:
• Participate in local and global communities to explore the application of creative technology to improve learning.
• Demonstrate leadership by demonstrating technological infusion vision, participating in joint decision making and community merging, and developing leadership and technology skills to others.
• Evaluate and reflect on current professional research and practice related to effective use rather than digital tools and resources to drive successful learning.
• Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and renewal associated with the teaching profession both at school and within the community.
AMA 2023 critical skills survey. Exceutive summary. (2023). http://www.p21.org/storage/documents/Critical%20Skills%20Survey%20Executive%20 Summary.pdf
Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., & Rumble, M. (2023). Defining st century skills. Assessment and teaching the 21st century skills (draft white paper). Melbourne: University of Melbourne
I Wayan Redhana,  Menyiapkan Lulusan Fmipa Yang Menguasai Keterampilan Abad XXI Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA Undiksha, Makalah pada Seminar Nasional FMIPA Undiksha V, Optimalisasi Peran MIPA dlm Membangun SDM Indonesia yg Kompetitif, 7 Desember 2023
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2008). st century skills, education & competitiveness: A resource and policy guide.
The North Central Regional Educational Laboratory and the Metiri Group. (2003). enGauge st century skills: Literacy in the digital kala age. http://pict.sdsu.edu/engauge21st.pdf.
National Education Association. (n.d.). Preparing 21st century students for a global society.
Pacific Policy Research Center. (2023). st Century skills for students and teachers. Honolulu: Kamehameha Schools, Research & Evaluation Division.
Lai, E. R. & Viering, M. (2023). Assessing 21st century skills: Integrating research findings. Vancouver, B.C.: National Council on Measurement in Education


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