Girl : How should we go to Andi’s farewell party?

Should we go by bus or train?

Boy : Let me see the schedule. I think we’d better get the train.
Girl : Won’t it be crowded at this time?
Boy : It can be, but we won’t be trapped on a traffic jam if we take the train.
Girl : O.K.., let’s go.
Narator : How would the girl and the boy go to the party?
By train.
Anak pria tersebut mengatakan, “I think we’d better get train,” yg artinya “Saya pikir kita sebaiknya naik kereta api”. Gagasan ini disetujui oleh anak perempuan tersebut. Makara, anak wanita & anak pria tersebut akan naik kereta api.
  UU No.20 2003 Tentang Sisdiknas